Ondřej Pšenčík Приложения

True Contacts
Ondřej Pšenčík
True contacts application is contactsapplication taken from Android source ICS version for Android 4,Android 5.0.1 version for Android 5.0 and 5.1.0 version for Android5.1. If you want to taste real Android try this true contactsapplicaton. Manufacturers often replace Android apps with falseapps - so it is not even possible to add all contacts numbers. Thisbuild is ad-hoc demonstration of true Android.This application does not contain dialer, dialer is not part ofContacts since Android 5.True contacts are good for Local Sync and all apps that createcontacts accounts (seehttp://www.psencik.cz/local-sync/local-sync-and-android-4-ics)because manufacturer's Android 1 apps are lacking features ofAndroid 4.Application supports multi-window feature.Notice:AOSP Android contacts application - Apache License 2.0.
Local Sync (Task & Notes)
Ondřej Pšenčík
Synchronizes Android with Microsoft Outlook2007 or greater via WiFi (protected by SSL), USB cable - (tasks -including recurrent tasks and categories; notes - includingcategories; contacts - 50 data items; calendar - includingrecurrent appointments, timezones and categories; categories).There are provided applications for Notes and Tasks (categoriesmanager is reachable from these apps).Synchronizes directories/files with PC.Application web page: http://www.psencik.cz/local-syncIt is possible to use Local Sync without Outlook to synchronizefiles/directories between Android and computer or use Local Synconly in Android for its Tasks and Notes apps without anysynchronization.Localization: English, Czech, German, French, Japanese,PolishPC server application download is available on producthomepage.Support, documentation and educational videos are available onproduct homepage.It is possible to synchronize one Android device with many PCsand one PC with many Android devices (e.g. synchronize Android withnotebook and PC at home and with PC at work) - Local Sync isprimarily designed to support such a scenario.If manufacturer replaced Android 4 contacts application with own(naive) version it may not be possible to add/edit Local Synccontacts - ask manufacturer for stock contacts apk.Used icons author: RRZE,http://rrze-pp.github.io/rrze-icon-set/licence.html, License: CCBY-SA 3.0
AutoSync Account Activator
Ondřej Pšenčík
Enables/disables accounts autosync onconfigured conditions (connection to cellular data and wifinetworks), exposes configuration options not commonly available(periodic sync).You do not change manually autosync in Accounts configuration,it is set by this application according to rules.It is possible in expert mode to reveal push sync authoritiesand configure them, e.g. disable.Detailed description:Application enables/disables autosync for each account based onconfigured conditions for that account. Once installed you do notset autosync in accounts manually, it is done by thisapplication.For example you enable your google account on cellular data andno wifi. Then as soon as your phone connects to any wifi thenautosync for that google account is disabled. If phone connects tocellular data, google account autosync is enabled again.This is useful e.g. at work. You enable for your work wifi onlyexchange account autosync and disable everything else. Then whenyou are at work only your exchange account is syncing and nothingelse (e.g. google accounts whose autosync could block phone becauseit could not get through firewall at work). As soon as you leavework phone connects cell data and your google accounts areactivated and synchronized.This feature protects also your privacy, because if you connectto some foreign wifi, then indeed no account is configured to beenabled on it so for all accounts autosync is disabled.Periodic sync feature is standard Android feature - tosynchronize periodically accounts which have enabled autosync.Periodic sync is syncing only if master autosync is enabled inAndroid. Because it is not possible to configure it in std. Android(there are no screens for it) I have incorporated it into thisapplicaton.For push sync accounts (e.g. Google) periodic sync is oftenignored.Used icons author: RRZE,http://rrze-pp.github.io/rrze-icon-set/licence.html, License: CCBY-SA 3.0
Battery Charged Silencer 1.16
Ondřej Pšenčík
Application mutes battery full chargednotification sound and vibration for Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100 andSamsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 GT7510.Application may start work correctly after first or secondcharging when it self calibrates!Note:If you set Mute From=23:00 Mute To=7:00 it does not mean thatnotification sounds are muted during this time from 23:00 to 7:00,it means that program mutes sounds within this interval.Notification sounds are muted when battery is at (usually) 99% andnotification sounds are restored after full charge.Program mutes notification sounds for couple of minutes.Description:Mutes notification stream sounds and vibration (vibration featureworks only for some phones) just before battery is fully chargedand restores volume after battery is fully charged.It is possible to configure time range when feature will mutenotification sound (within this interval notification sound will bemuted just before battery is going to be fully charged, usuallycouple of minutes).Install/update this application with charger disconnected!Uninstall application with charger disconnected before upgradingAndroid system to new version (e.g. updating Android 2 to Android4)License details at product homepage.IMPORTANT:Application will not work in case other applications interrupt withits function (Volume Locker, task killers, "profiles" applications,silent nights...) and those other apps will cause that volume isnot restored and other system malfunctions. Either use BatteryCharged Silencer or other app, but not simultaneously.
Dungado - práce na webu i v mobilu 1.0.49
Ondřej Pšenčík
Aplikace Dungado umožuje vyhledávat v nabídce pracovních poziczveřejných zdrojů nebo z nabídek zadaných podniky přímo doaplikace.Organizace mohou zadávat nabídky pracovních pozic snadno azdarmapřímo v aplikaci. Pro ty co hledají práci je připravenařadapomůcek, kromě jiného bohatě nastavitelná možnostvyhledávánínabídek a odladěný průvodce pro vytvoření motivačníhodopisu(dostupný přes email kontaktu v nabídce práce), takžeprofesionálníoslovení firmy je záležitostí několika dotyků. Provyhledávání jemožné aktivovat zasílání upozornění, takže v případě,že v aplikacipřibyde nová nabídka vyhovující vašim kritériím, budevám dotelefonu zasláno upozornění. Lze snadno vyhledávat hlavnípracovnípoměry i brigády. Kontaktovat firmu lze snadno z aplikacejakemailem, tak i přímo uskutečnit telefonní hovor. V detailunabídkyje tlačítko Kontakt, po jehož stisknutí se objeví kontaktníúdajefirmy, pokud firma kontaktní údaje poskytla. Po dotyku natelefonníčíslo se otevře klávesnice pro vytočení čísla spřipraveným čislem,po dotyku na email se otevře průvodce motivačnímdopisem, kde lzepřejít k odesílání emailu buď přímo nebo spředvyplněným dopisem. Vemailovém klientovi lze pak snadno přidatještě životopis. Podrobnýnávod je k dispozicinahttps://www.dungado.eu/dokumenty/prace_jak_kontaktovat.pdfPropodniky je zas připraveno komfortní rozhraní pro správu nabídekizadání nabídky práce přímo v aplikaci. Nabídky přidanépřesaplikaci jsou prioritně zobrazeny před ostatními. Vytvořeníúčtu jedostupné na obrazovce přihlášení. V případě, že budetechtítvytvářet nabídky práce, zapněte volbu "budu zadávat nabídkypráce"při vytváření účtu a vyplňte IČO. Veškeré funkce aplikacejsouposkytovány bezúplatně. Icons and main graphics made byFreepikhttps://www.freepik.com/ from Flaticonhttps://www.flaticon.com